Welcome to your 2015 BC Green Party Elections and Resolutions information centre. This page contains links where you can learn about all the candidates running for office in the 2015 BC Green Party internal elections, as well as the resolutions that will be voted on at our 2015 Annual General Meeting in Nanaimo on May 23.
This year we are electing:
- One Treasurer (2-year term)
- One Secretary (2-year term)
- Three Councillors-at-Large (1-year term)
- One male Ombudsperson (2-year term)
We will also be voting on three important Resolutions. Please scroll down to learn more about this year's Resolutions.
Candidates for Provincial Council and Ombudsperson
Brian Rohl | Kim Darwin |
Candidate for Treasurer | Candidate for Secretary |
Cynthia Barnes | Mayo McDonough | Steve Sxwithul'txw |
Candidate for Councillor-at-Large | Candidate for Councillor-at-Large | Candidate for Councillor-at-Large |
Cory Svensson | Andrew Schulz |
Candidate for Ombudsperson (male) | Candidate for Ombudsperson (male) |
Resolution #1: Resolution to adopt bylaw revisions as proposed by Provincial Council