Whereas:The governance of Metro Vancouver’s public transit body, TransLink, was significantly changed in 2007 by the Provincial Government which replaced TransLink’s board of locally elected representatives with a board of non-political “experts” to govern and oversee operations.
Whereas: TransLink’s Board has lost the confidence of many voters in Metro Vancouver, as evidenced by public debate during the 2015 Transportation and Transit Plebiscite.
Whereas: The boards of Metro Vancouver, comprised of locally elected representatives, have a good track record of governance and oversight over regional water, sewage, waste management, parks and other essential regional services through a governance model that is considerably less expensive and more accountable than the current TransLink model of governance.
Whereas: the Mayors' Council on Regional Transportation’s first suggestion to reallocate the BC carbon tax to fund new investments in regional transportation and public transit was rejected by the BC Government, requiring the Mayors’ Council to consider other funding sources, including a 0.5% regional sales tax, which was ultimately selected.
Whereas: Participatory democracy, including local decision-making and control, is a fundamental Green Party principle and the planning, governance and directions regarding sources of funding for public transit in Metro Vancouver should be made by locally elected representatives who are accountable to local voters.
Therefore be it resolved that the B.C. Green Party urge the Provincial Government to:
1. Establish an effective, locally controlled governance structure, accountable to the public in Metro Vancouver for the planning and operation of public transit and local highway infrastructure;
2. Provide stable ongoing funding and effective collaboration with local authorities that adequately recognises the region as a major transportation hub for the entire province; And,
3. Authorise additional revenue generation mechanisms in Metro Vancouver to address future expansion of public transit and local highway infrastructure that are equitable, administratively efficient and transparent.
Resolution sponsored by member Adriane Carr on behalf of the Board of Directors and Elected Caucus of the Green Party of Vancouver.