[STATEMENT] International Day of Pink
BC Greens are celebrating diversity today on the International Day of Pink. The event raises awareness to stop bullying, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and transmisogyny around the world.
[STATEMENT] UN World Water Day 2015
The B.C. Green Party today recognizes UN World Water Day 2015: A Day for Water and Water for Sustainable Development. The BC Green Party strongly believes that the value of water as a sustainable resource cannot be taken for granted. The global water cycle sustains natural ecosystems, urban centres, world health, human populations, industry, energy, equality and food production. In British Columbia, the B.C. Green Party is particularly aware of our water as not only a valuable, life-sustaining resource, but also as a key economic driver in energy, international trade and agriculture.
[STATEMENT] UN International Day for the Elimination of Discrimination
[STATEMENT] B.C. Green Party on International Women's Day
For immediate release
Fri. March 6, 2015
On Sunday, March 8, 2015, the B.C. Green Party proudly joins millions of people around the world to celebrate International Women’s Day and the United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. The B.C. Green Party commemorates and honours women’s achievements, contributions and resilience.
[MEDIA RELEASE] B.C. budget misses the mark
For immediate release
Feb. 17, 2015
VICTORIA B.C. – While the B.C. Green Party applauds the government for introducing a balanced budget, the party is deeply concerned that it has done so on the backs of middle and low income earners.