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BC Green Party Welcomes Kitimat Vote Against Northern Gateway

Media Statement 

For Immediate Release

BC Green Party Welcomes Kitimat Vote Against Northern Gateway

Victoria BC – The BC Green Party welcomes the vote by the residents of Kitimat, BC to reject the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project. We also congratulate the Mayor and Council of Kitimat for pursuing a democratic process allowing the people directly affected by the terminal to voice their opinion.

Statement on the passing of Jim Flaherty

We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jim Flaherty. For nearly 20 years, Mr. Flaherty has demonstrated an enduring commitment to public service that serves as a shining example for all Canadians.

On behalf of the BC Green Party we extend sincerest condolences to his family and friends.

National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week, April 6th – 12th, 2014, is an opportunity to recognize and thank our Green volunteers and the 13.3 million volunteers across Canada.

“Volunteers are the foundation of the BC Green Party, helping to build, sustain and increase our capacity,” said Adam Olsen, Interim Leader. “Everything we do is powered by our amazing volunteers and we thank all of you for your contribution to make British Columbia a better province.You continue to improve our villages, cities, province and country”.

Greens celebrate victory of Kitasoo/Xaixais First Nation in defending traditional territory

OTTAWA/VICTORIA – Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, today joins BC Green Party Leader Adam Olsen in celebrating the Kitasoo/Xaixais First Nation’s victory in blocking the opening of an unsustainable and environmentally destructive commercial herring fishery on the Nation’s traditional territory.  

The Kitasoo/Xaixais First Nation, located on BC’s central coast, had previously requested and had been granted the voluntary closure of critical herring spawning habitat in Kitasu Bay. The herring have been a staple food for the coastal community for generations.  

BC Green Party Interim Leader Adam Olsen Designated as Intervener in NEB Trans Mountain Pipeline Hearings - Available for Interviews and Op-Ed

For Immediate Release

BC Green Party Interim Leader Adam Olsen Designated as Intervener in NEB Trans Mountain Pipeline Hearings - Available for Interviews and Op-Ed

VICTORIA, 3 April 2014 -- Adam Olsen, Interim Leader of the BC Green Party, was designated by the National Energy Board on 2 April 2014 to serve as an Intervener in upcoming public hearings for the NEB’s Trans Mountain Expansion Project, a role in which he will be questioning the legality and negative impacts of the pipeline proposal under the Douglas Treaty and the risks to First Nations and commercial fishing should a spill occur. First Nations and other citizen groups affected by the proposed project have raised significant questions and concerns regarding the piping of heavy oil across British Columbia and shipping it off the province’s ecologically sensitive coast.

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