Updates on wild salmon

Protecting wild salmon and fish farms transition plan

I have made it abundantly clear, I care a lot about wild salmon.

It is the most important renewable natural resource on the coast of British Columbia.

The provincial government is waffling on whether they are going to extend or cancel the permits for the open net pen fish farms in the Broughton Archipelago. They could be aggressively advancing a land-based, closed containment fish farm industry. We could be producing an ocean-friendly product and developing ourselves as a leader in sustainably grown farmed salmon.

Fossil fuels and fish in a resource colony

Canada and British Columbia continue to act like resource colonies, supplying the world with raw resources.

It has not always been like that we once had bustling coastal and rural communities that refined natural resources, adding value and manufacturing made in British Columbia products.


We woke up at half-past four. The Briggs & Stratton powered clinkers were already warming in Brentwood Bay.

Guide boats from Jimmy Gilbert’s and Mike Keepence’s marina’s filled with tourists as we stood on the docks quietly chatting about the hotspots in the Saanich Inlet.

Wild salmon and UNDRIP

Yesterday, the Minister of Agriculture’s Advisory Council released a report with recommendations for managing aquaculture and BC’s wild salmon stocks. The advisory council concluded "that fish farm companies be required to have agreements in place with local First Nations before the province approves any new or replacement tenures" (CBC News).

Hansard summary

We've now posted the Hansard text of all the debates and questions we have brought forward in the legislature on wild salmon to-date during this current session (Spring 2018): https://www.bcgreens.ca/wild_salmon_in_the_legislature

Questioning the government on wild salmon

Our MLAs are focused protecting on the health and well-being of wild salmon populations and the wild salmon fishery in our province. Farmed salmon and other fish on several migratory routes have put wild salmon populations at significant risk, including near-extinction in some cases.

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