The Green Globe Awards and Roy Ball Bursary are awarded to extraordinary members of our BC Green community every year at the party's annual convention. See the list of past recipients.
Young Green Award Celebrates a BC Green of 25 years or younger who shows commitment to the values of the party, demonstrates leadership and service in his or her BC Green community (eg: riding association, local campaign, campus club) and inspires the next generation of green citizens.
Rising Star Award Celebrates a BC Green whose initiative, dedication and vision has motivated him or her to get involved and offer remarkable new contributions to the party and his or her community. It's obvious this person is going to be a big part of the BC Green's future. Age is not a factor.
Sage Service Award Celebrates a BC Green whose long-time service to the BC Green Party has helped us get to where we are today. This person has poured time, energy, wisdom and talent into the party – we can't imagine the BC Green Party without him or her.
Roy Ball Bursary Honours a student enrolled in an accredited postsecondary institution who best exemplifies the charismatic leadership, philanthropy and generosity of spirit of Roy Ball, an extraordinary BC Green who passed away in 2016. This $1,000 gift is made possible by the generous contribution of Roy’s estate. Learn more about Roy and his contribution to the party.