What can I do to help?


There is a more sustainable and efficient way to preserve these critical ecosystems for future generations, supporting good jobs and economic prosperity in a second-growth forestry industry.

Stand with us to save our old-growth forests. Add your name to the list of others who are calling on the government to save our old growth. Or, if you've already signed, make sure to share the petition with your friends.

Share your story. Tell us and others why the forests of BC are important to you! It doesn’t just have to be old growth; not all of us have been lucky enough to wonder under those awesome canopies. But we are all connected to this landscape. Tell us what connects you! Share your pictures and your stories on our website or on Twitter #GreenBCandMe #MyOldGrowthStory

And get involved — look for organizations in your community who are working to protect old-growth.

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