Facebook: SupportRamonaFaustBCGreenParty2017
Twitter: Faust4GreenIn17
Ramona Faust is happy to be in her third term elected as a Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Director for Area E, home to 3800 people surrounding the City of Nelson. Ramona has lived in the Nelson-Creston Riding since 1974 taking a three year education and employment hiatus in Vancouver Ramona has lived on the East Shore, Blewett and Nelson before calling Procter home for the last 35 years Comfortable in urban and rural settings Ramona believes small is beautiful and people have a right to determine their future. Her employment has included private business, School District 8 now 7 the Ministry of Forests the Harrop-Procter Community Forest and North Kootenay Lake Community Services Society in Kaslo. Community Development has been her focus for the past 20 years. Finding outside-of the -box collaborative solutions has been an integral part of her work in sustainable forestry, food security and programs for youth and young families.
Ramona now runs a small consulting firm providing grant writing and organizational development services Currently her passion leads her volunteer activities to participate in an Age Friendly Advisory several provincial funding bodies as well as the committees and commissions she participates in through her role in the RDCK. Work at the RDCK has seen her collaborate with colleagues in implementing the Kootenay Lake Partnershi, The Kootenay Lake Conservation Fund, the RDCK Food Policy Council and she has partnered in spearheading parks and recreation development as the Chair of the Nelson Salmo Area E F G Parks Commission and former chair of the Nelson, Areas E, F Recreation Commission. Her latest project concentrates on non-profit partnerships in conducting energy upgrades on community buildings in RDCK Area E with future solar installations where appropriate Ramona has been on grant recommendation advisory committees for Columbia Basin Trust Vancouver Foundation and Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust She was on the Board of Directors for Nelson Cares Society the BC Community Forest Association and currently is on the board of directors for the Southern Interior Beetle Action Coalition and is a governor at the Real Estate Foundation of BC appointed by the Union of BC Municipalities