Nelson-Creston nomination forum

Connect with your nomination contestants for Nelson-Creston. Post questions, concerns and ideas for your contestants.

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Guaranteed Liveable Income an Important Election Issue

NDP are running on $15/hr minimum wage and I believe we will hear them plugging this a lot. The GP's policy is not fully flushed out yet - do you believe it to be an important election issue and why?

Michelle Mungall is a formidable campaigner. How do you plan to beat her?

Sjeng Derkx did a great job of raising our support in Nelson-Creston to 21%, but we still need to double our numbers to beat the NDP.

Water - Should we be selling it cheap for export? How do we keep it clean?

The selling of BC clean waters has become a big issue, raised by the Nestle story. In Blewett, aquifer water is being bottled without limit or understanding of long-term implications. LNG is being approved in BC which risks polluting our clean waters. Legislation erroneously does not consider access to clean water a human and environmental right. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this issue.

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