Michelle Mungall is a formidable campaigner. How do you plan to beat her?

Sjeng Derkx did a great job of raising our support in Nelson-Creston to 21%, but we still need to double our numbers to beat the NDP.


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  • Kim Charlesworth
    commented 2016-10-04 13:15:01 -0700
    There is going to be a number of factors that affect the electability of the next Green Party candidate in this riding, no matter who it is. I plan to get out and talk to everyone. I want to engage people at the college and even high school level, as they have the ability to contribute and are becoming aware and concerned about the world they are growing into. We need people from all age groups and all walks of life involved in bringing healthy change to our political system and I believe the Green Party offers a way to do that. Starting discussions and listening to the suggestions are key to engaging people.
  • Ramona Faust
    commented 2016-10-03 23:43:08 -0700
    That’s an interesting question. I think listening to residents and communicating with them on their issues is an important part of being a viable candidate. Getting out into the riding and hearing people’s thoughts and ideas is a great way to find out how people want their MLA to represent them. My approach has always been grassroots. Problem solving is a large part of what I do. Collaboration usually finds great solutions.
  • Nicole Charlwood
    published this page in Nelson-Creston nomination forum 2016-10-03 11:33:06 -0700
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