What are the BC Greens calling for?


It's time for the BC NDP to halt old-growth logging and create the space for solutions. The BC Greens are calling for:

  • Implement immediate interim protections in all remaining high-risk old-growth ecosystems 
  • Work in partnership with First Nations to create alternative economic opportunities
    • Provide conservation financing and funding for Indigenous-led protected areas in this year’s budget
  • Take back tenures (timber harvesting rights) from forestry companies with old-growth tenures 
  • Direct BC's own logging agency, BC Timber Sales, to stop selling off old-growth forests for logging
  • Stop using misleading numbers and terms for how much old-growth is protected and come clean with the public about the state of our ancient forests
  • Release a public implementation and work plan for when government will meet each of the Old-Growth Strategic Review Panel's recommendations
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