VANCOUVER B.C. – Today Andrew Weaver, Leader of the B.C. Green Party, held Christy Clark to account over the LNG promises that she made last election and that she continues to make today.
“Four years ago, Ms. Clark promised an LNG industry that all evidence suggested would never materialize. She made grandiose promises that essentially amounted to a unicorn in everyone’s backyard. For her to make those claims suggests that she either misled voters or doesn’t understand where the emerging economy is headed, because the economics simply don’t make sense,” said Weaver. “Either way, she has lost her credibility on the economy.”
Both the B.C. Liberals and the B.C. NDP support developing an LNG industry in British Columbia. Weaver has been the only MLA to maintain over the past four years that the economic basis for an LNG industry in British Columbia does not exist.
“The stakes are too high to have another four years of a premier who doesn’t understand where the emerging economy is headed. Unfortunately, the B.C. NDP aren’t any better. Their support for this industry has everything to do with political calculation and nothing to do with conviction or an economic vision for this province. With their support for this industry they at once throw their own climate change goals out the window and demonstrate little understanding of the emerging economy.
“Our mainstream parties seem content to bury their heads in the sand about the changes that are occurring in the economy. British Columbians want a leader who will take these challenges head on and build new opportunities for our economic prosperity.”
“The B.C. Green Party is the only party with a strategy to create long-term, good-paying jobs and make B.C. competitive in the emerging economy. The only way we will have economic stability, well-paying jobs, and the certainty of knowing that all British Columbians can prosper, is to invest in the emerging economy.”
The B.C. Green Party has a comprehensive plan to prepare B.C. for the emerging economy. The plan will:
Create an emerging economy task force that will be tasked with looking at how global economic changes will affect British Columbians and what steps we should take to position ourselves at the forefront of the emerging economy.
Form an Innovation Commission and appoint an Innovation Commissioner that will support the technology sector and advocate on behalf of our technology industry.
Promote investment in clean energy and transportation, and green initiatives that create jobs and economic activity without increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
Invest in partnerships with industry, academic institutions and government to support research, development and commercialization of climate friendly technologies.
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Media contact
Jillian Oliver, Press Secretary
+1 778-650-0597 | [email protected]