My Christmas present to all BC MLAs

Today I mailed out 84 copies of a book I received from the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). Each MLA in the BC Legislature will receive their personal copy today. The book is written as a graphic novel with its content grounded in a detailed report published by the WBGU in 2011 entitled: World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability.

In light of the fact that we just repealed some rather important climate mitigation policy, and in its place introduced two rather flimsy pieces of LNG legislation, I felt it was important for MLAs to brief themselves on the importance of transitioning our economy to the use low carbon energy systems.

Below I reproduce the letter I sent to MLAs as well as our media advisory.

The Letter

December 1, 2014

Dear MLA,

In the spirit of giving this Christmas, please find attached a copy of the book “The Great Transformation: Climate – Can we beat the heat?” produced by the German Advisory Council on Global Change(WBGU). This book, recently translated into English by Bob Culverhouse, was developed in an easy-to-read comic-style in order to reach a broad and diverse audience

For your information, the WBGU, an independent, scientific advisory body comprising many of Germany’s most esteemed scholars, also recently produced a new report entitled “Climate Protection as a world Citizen Movement”, which can be accessed at:

This new report provides a thorough assessment of the challenge faced by global society as we attempt to decarbonize our energy systems. I encourage you to browse through this comprehensive analysis.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday over the Christmas break and I look forward to seeing you again in the New Year.


Yours sincerely,

Andrew Weaver

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