Leave a Bequest

"There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: One is roots, the other is wings." Hodding Carter


Thank you for leaving a sustainable legacy with the BC Green Party.

We consider every bequest to be a generous and unique contribution. We were the first Green Party of North America and we are rooted in socially and environmentally sound values that can help unite and sustain BC into a flourishing future.

Please advise us that we have been included in your Will so we can thank you personally. 

Your wishes are making our future a reality.


Please contact Jordan Bober:

Phone: 1-888-473-3686
E-mail: [email protected]
BC Green Party
PO Box 8088, STN Central
Victoria, BC V8W 3R7

*Bequests made to the BC Greens in your Will should include our full name: "Green Party Political Association of BC".



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