Save Old Growth Forests

When I walk in an Old Growth Forest, I feel the connection between the Old Growth and every plant in their sphere of influence. These trees are so majestic that they draw you to them. I have watched tourists hug these trees as though they were their offspring. Every person on earth should take a walk in one of these truly awesome wonders of the world forests so they too can experience their majesty. Unfortunately, finding an Old Growth Forest to walk in is difficult. British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast has very little in the way of accessible Old Growth. Other than finding a few locations with several accessible trees, a true Old Growth Forest to walk in is non -existent. Had a true Old Growth forest in its entirety been set aside on the Sunshine Coast in proximity to Gibson’s, Sechelt or Pender Harbour the tourist dollars from people wanting to walk in it would far exceed the revenue from logging it. The Great Bear Rainforest and Haida Gwaii have Old Growth Forests but for the average person they are relatively expensive to view. That leaves Vancouver Island as one of the places in BC where the average person can go and walk among these giants. More areas like Cathedral Grove in MacMillan Provincial Park need to be set aside for future generations to enjoy.


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