Rolled into Taxes

I like the idea of political funding being done based on number of votes received and percentage of the popular vote. We don't need a tiered fundraising system that relies on donations. If British Columbian's paid per election term an "election tax" of let's say $5, a total of $17M could be allocated to political parties as funding. (Based on a $5 tax being applied to all 3.4M eligible voters in BC).

Parties would receive funding two ways: on a per-vote system and based on their percentage of the popular vote. Using a per-vote algorithm, the BC greens would receive $1,661,935 for total votes received where the Liberals and NDP would each get $3.9M respectively. Independents would get $248,745 for their 49,749 votes. Furthermore, $2.8M of the remaining $17M pool would go to the Liberals and NDP each, while the Greens would receive $1.2M and others the remaining $179,686.84. By using an integrated system like this, everyone would receive funding based on election success and would have it paid for by the electorate. Parties would then have to budget their expenses until the next election cycle. The overall numbers would be as follows:

Liberals - $6,861,201.55

NDP - $6,847,667.20

Greens - $2,862,699.41

Others - $428,431.84

Total* - $17M


*allocation of resources based on a $5 per person per election term cycle paid for by the 3.4M estimated eligible voters in British Columbia.

Official response from submitted

Thank you for your insight Dekan! This is a great way to look at our new Electoral Finance laws. I greatly appreciate your support!!! 


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  • Kelsey Reid
    responded with submitted 2017-10-13 13:13:58 -0700
  • Dekan Delaney
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-09-22 12:38:09 -0700
    Ban big money bill: Too complex? How about this as an idea.
  • Dekan Delaney
    published this page in Ban big money bill 2017-09-22 12:36:38 -0700
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