16 endorsements
Bruce Edson has been involved in a number of environment-related organizations, including the Green Party of BC, the Green Party of Canada, The West Kootenay EcoSociety, and others. He has chairs the Nelson-Creston Greens board for the Green Party of BC, and is on the board of South Okanagan West Kootenay Electoral District Association for the Green Party of Canada.
He holds a B.Sc. in Biology from the University of Northern British Columbia, and recently completed the coursework for a certificate in Environmental Practice from Royal Roads University, specializing in Policy, Legislation, and Enforcement.
He is a host of Canada’s longest running environmental issues radio show: “The EcoCentric” on CJLY in Nelson, BC.
He is also coordinator of a waste reduction education program at local farmer’s markets in Nelson, and works at a health food and garden store.
He believes that adversarial, partisan politics is one of Canada’s most pressing governance-related problems and the Green Party has a great opportunity to be a part of the solution.
Got a question? Contact Bruce.