The BC Greens will create a comprehensive program for childcare and increase funding for child care programs from $674 million in 2020/21 to $897 million in 2023/24. This is in addition to the $300 million funding for preschool for 3 and 4 year olds that is included in the Education budget.
- Funding would cover the phase-in of the various elements of this plan for a comprehensive program that would include:
- We will maintain child care subsidies and and supports as needed to ensure adequate financial support for all families.
- We will move the Ministry of State for Childcare into the Ministry of Education in recognition of the importance of ECE in the educational outcomes for our children.
Funding would cover the phase-in of the various elements of this plan for a comprehensive program that would include:
- The expansion of available physical spaces, prioritizing partnerships with public schools, community non-profits, and First Nations;
- Free childcare for working parents with children under 3;
- Professional development opportunities to increase qualifications of existing child care workers, and the training of more early childhood educators in certified programs;
- Establishment of professional wages for early childhood educators.
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