BC Green Caucus: New report brings ride-hailing one step closer to reality, government’s responsibility to make it a reality

March 26, 2019

VICTORIA, B.C. — Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations tabled its report today on ride-hailing, giving government the tools it needs to make ride-hailing a reality in British Columbia.

“British Columbians have waited far too long for ride-hailing services,” said MLA Adam Olsen, BC Green spokesperson for transportation and member of the Select Standing Committee. “Now it’s time for action.”

The BC Greens have been the only party who have consistently brought this issue forward, including introducing legislation three times, under two governments - April 2016, February 2017 and October 2017. The third attempt spurred government to refer the subject to the all party committee, which met again this spring to provide government with specific recommendations on the regulatory regime that would permit ride hailing to operate in BC.

“Ride-hailing will make transportation services more accessible for British Columbians, and the recommendations brought forward by our committee ensure that there would be a regulatory environment that promotes overall safety and a fair playing field,” said Olsen. “I hope government will implement these recommendations, which are informed by other jurisdictions.

“Government has set the expectation that British Columbians will be able to request a ride from operators this calendar year. It is now entirely their responsibility to action the recommendations of the SSCCC report and deliver on their promise.” 


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