The Site C project is a colossal waste of money

The Site C project is a colossal waste of money

Site C is a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars. It's estimated that the BC NDP will spend up to $20 billion on the project but Horgan continues to keep the public in the dark about its final cost. 

We need to know all the facts before we burden an entire generation of ratepayers with the single most expensive infrastructure project in BC history. 

Add your name to our call for transparency from the NDP: 

We're calling on Horgan to be transparent with the public and release the full, unedited and unredacted Milburn report that he commissioned in July, as well as explain when he knew about the issues with Site C and why he waited so long to take action.

Rather than continue to throw money at the problem, the project should be halted pending a thorough and objective review. 


November 1, 2017: British Columbia Utilities Commission Inquiry Respecting Site C, Final Report to the Government of British Columbia

  • The BCUC panel wrote, “given the nature of this type of project and what has occurred to date, total costs for the project may be in excess of $10 billion and there are significant risks that could lead to further budget overruns”. 
  • The Panel found that these remaining risks include unresolved tension cracks and disputes with contractors.
  • As such, the Panel found that it is unlikely that Site C will be completed on schedule by 2024, and that construction costs could escalate even further beyond $10 billion.

December 4, 2017: The BC Green caucus wrote an open letter to Premier John Horgan making the case for cancelling the Site C dam

December 6, 2017: The Case Against Site C Grows Stronger Every Day 

July 31, 2020: BC Hydro released two overdue project reports that classify the health of the project to be 'red,' meaning it was in serious trouble with cost overruns 

September 28, 2020: A group of experts released a letter to John Horgan calling for the government to freeze construction on the project while the geotechnical issues are reviewed

January 13, 2021: 

January 14, 2021: Premier Horgan admitted to the need for two additional and previously undisclosed reports on Site C, making it clear that the Milburn report was nothing more than political cover for this government to continue barrelling ahead with construction on the mega-dam while avoiding answering to the public. 

January 18, 2021:


History of cost estimates: 

  • 2010: Site C was first announced, with a cost estimate of $6.6 billion.

  • 2014: $8.8 billion. 

  • 2017: BC NDP decided to go ahead with the project, despite the BCUC report, with a cost estimate of $10.7 billion. 

  • 2020: the cost will be substantially higher but BC NDP can’t even give us a number. 


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