B.C. Green Party calls on government to appoint judge to determine scope for independent inquiry into the health firings

Victoria, B.C. – The British Columbia Green Party is calling on the government to appoint a B.C. Supreme Court judge, retired or otherwise, to establish the scope for an independent inquiry into the 2012 Ministry of Health firings. As with others calling for an independent inquiry, the B.C. Green Party recognizes that there are still numerous unanswered questions that need to be addressed.

“What has been most alarming to me is the government's continued refusal to ensure accountability in the decisions it made,” said Adam Olsen, Interim Leader of the B.C. Green Party. “Their internal review of the matter last year was inadequate and is only feeding the concerns that government has something to hide. Going forward, it is essential that the inquiry not only be independent of government, but the scope and terms of reference for the review be determined by a judge.”

Late last year, labour lawyer Marcia McNeil released her review of the Ministry of Health firings. It was met with criticisms that the review was limited in its scope, in light of constraints placed upon it by the B.C. Government.

“It is clear from the debates that took place in the spring session of the legislature that public trust will only ever be realized if the scope of any inquiry is determined at arm’s length from government” says Andrew Weaver, MLA for Oak Bay Gordon Head and Deputy Leader of the B.C. Green Party. “By allowing a judge to set the scope for an independent inquiry, those involved, both inside and outside of government, could be interviewed, with their comments helping guide what needs to be thoroughly examined.”

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Media contacts

For Adam Olsen:
Stefan Jonsson, Director of Communications - B.C. Green Party
1.888.473.3686 ext. 3 | [email protected]

For Andrew Weaver:
Mat Wright, Press Secretary - Andrew Weaver MLA  | [email protected]

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