We need strong self-reliant communities to be ready for anything. We need to protect our environment, while creating jobs in sustainable resource industries.
We need stronger communities
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The BC Green plan for community resilience:
Food security
We will create a Food Secure B.C. strategy to make B.C. agriculture more climate-resilient, improve local food security and support local agricultural producers.
Climate adaptation
- Build capacity in communities so they can respond safely and effectively to extreme weather and natural disasters - and so they can recover quickly when the threat has passed
- Protect communities from wildfires and flooding through landscape level, ecologically-centred, forest management and fuel treatment projects.
- Increase the resilience of regional ecosystems by restoring habitats and protecting biodiversity.
Reform forestry management in BC so that it serves the long-term needs of local communities and supports a truly sustainable industry, where community and ecosystem values are the primary focus of management.
- Take back control of our forests from major corporations, ensuring forestry is meeting the needs of local communities.
- Manage our forests holistically, for all the values they hold.
- Protect our remaining high value old growth forests forever.
- Generate more jobs and revenue from what we harvest.
Water quality
We must recognize that access to clean water is a human right and ensure B.C. communities have long-term, reliable, and equitable access to clean water.