



  • Growing interest in the party, but there’s not always jobs immediately available for volunteers
  • Some volunteers are highly engaged, but in danger of burnout
  • Provide a structured approach to onboarding volunteers
  • Ensure there is an activity for the volunteer to do
  • Provide appropriate supports


  • Growing interest in the party, but not always jobs immediately available for volunteers
  • Some volunteers highly engaged but danger of burnout
  • Competing for people’s time
  • Difficult to get volunteers if they don’t know about the organization

Recruiting volunteers

  • People do what they like to do
  • Encourage the leader in the volunteer. Create space for them to be a leader
  • Have co-chairs to split the workload
  • Removal of barriers
  • Build a community
  • Ask new volunteer to bring a friend
  • Develop team building processes
  • When you make the ask for a volunteer, you need to make sure there is an activity for the volunteer to do
  • Need to build relationships
  • Provide physical and emotional support for volunteers ex. social events, food
  • Hold workshops for volunteers
  • Avoid being “politically in your face”
  • Provide a structured approach to onboarding volunteers
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