The BC Greens Vancouver Riding Association is the grassroots organization working together to get Green MLAs elected in the 11 provincial ridings of Vancouver, from the Fraser to False Creek, from Point Grey to Play Land.
We are a community of Green supporters from around the city, coming together to build a movement of sustainability and progressive values within British Columbia. We are dedicated to the Green commitment to evidence-based decision-making and using our six core principles to develop policies that will serve future generations:
Respect for Diversity
Participatory Democracy
Social Justice
Ecological Wisdom
We meet regularly for social events, community service, and outreach activities aimed at expanding our diversity and inclusion, dialoguing with all communities (including those not traditionally Green), and building our base, while having some fun along the way.
Please join us to co-create a cohesive, effective organization that will make a breakthrough in Vancouver! Contact us via email, sign up to volunteer, and check us out on social media.
Contact: [email protected]