Measuring success
Jobs in the new economy
Infrastructure needs
Income in the new economy
- Need to transition to new economy
- Certain business models will disrupted.
- Plan to mitigate impacts and people relying on conventional industry livelihood
- Ex. Greens do road shows in N.E. and listen to local leaders on how they are going to shift their economies. (These majors think we do not understand their situation. They rely on businesses in their areas for revenue and are fearful of changing the model)
Measuring Success
- Value of “productive” work vs untracked work (care work, etc.)
- What you measure gets watched
- GDP vs GPI
- Ensure entrepreneurs are captured and empowered in measure of progress
Jobs in the new economy
- Impact of automation of industry where with this impact
- Where will it impact, positive or negative?
- Project the jobs that will result
- Re-investing skill training and industrial innovation in clean, renewable tech
- Need to list the actual jobs people will be able to get
- Are they on WorkBCs website for projections of available jobs and values in future? Include information on livelihoods, earning potential
- Youth in schools
- Career classes - resource industries grabbing them
- Need to have green energy industry
- Reduce work hours as it impacts
- Education and retraining is key
- Provide pathway
- Empower post-secondary to innovate in tech
- What can the Greens do to move people into good well paying jobs.
- Personal investment. Share experiences of people like a person in Comox (Logger-to-new trade)
Infrastructure needs
- New infrastructure needed for the 21st century and we need to change work
- New government building infrastructure needs to support this (ex. municipal buildings. Build the retaining walls, transit, solar
- Important to say this is a structural investment, not just a cost to pay for social programs
- We need infrastructure that addresses:
- Accessible mass transit
- Financial reform
- Shifting to second-growth
- Reform in forestry
- Adaptive climate change infrastructure
- Changing building code
- Solar Solution
Income in the new economy
- Universal basic income
- How does this fit in?
- Guaranteed livable income as a replacement for lost jobs
- How to increase basic living wage
- Economics of scale allow biggest companies thrive
- Small business — per employee are subsidy to ease the burden of minimum wage
- Focus on employers who “force” people to commute (when they could work remote or could locate in a place with transit availability)
- Expectations changing for workers in their influence over business direction
- Movie industry worst polluters
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