The B.C. Green Party stands united with the hundreds of thousands of people around the world taking part in the People’s Climate March and associated events. Over 2,800 events in more than 166 countries are estimated to have taken place today, drawing attention to the impact of climate change on world’s economy, environment and communities.
“It was incredible to watch the march in New York City today. Over 310,000 people came together to make a very powerful statement to the political and corporate leaders of the world that the status quo is simply not good enough,” said Adam Olsen, Interim-Leader of the B.C. Green Party. “Our own provincial government has chosen to focus on a high-carbon economy. As a result, British Columbia is on the front lines of climate politics.”
The B.C. Green Party is leading the call to tackle climate change in B.C.. In February, Green MLA Andrew Weaver proposed a throne speech amendment to limit the expansion of shipments of foreign thermal coal from B.C. ports. The burning of thermal coal is the largest contributor to human-induced increases in atmospheric CO2. It was not supported by MLAs from either of the other elected provincial parties.
“The B.C. Greens are encouraged by today’s call to action. We are committed to working with all jurisdictions - local, provincial, national and international - to address the increasing threat of climate change,” Olsen adds.
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