The BC Green Party is a member of the Global Greens, an international network of municipal, regional and national Green parties in over ninety different countries.
Global Greens are united by a commitment to six core principles:
- Ecological wisdom
- Social justice
- Participatory democracy
- Non-violence
- Sustainability
- Respect for diversity
By making evidence-based decisions that uphold these values, Global Greens have contributed substantially public policy and legislation in Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden and Canada. Greens have been partners in the formation of government in Germany, Sweden, Latvia and Mongolia.
Members of Green parties meet regularly at international gatherings such a the annual UN Conference of Parties (COP). The Global Greens also holds a global congress approximately once every five years. Past congresses have been held in Australia (2001), Brazil (2008) and Senegal (2011). The next Global Greens congress is scheduled for the fall of 2017 in Europe.
Learn more about the Global Greens
Read the Global Greens Charter