Furstenau statement on Sea-to-Sky transit strike - now the longest in B.C. history
VICTORIA B.C. – B.C. Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau released the following statement regarding the Sea-to-Sky transit strike, which began on January 29, 2022:
Read moreFurstenau announces B.C. Greens plan to make cities more sustainable, livable
VICTORIA B.C. – Sonia Furstenau released her Party’s plan for livable cities today in Victoria. The plan includes policies for investing in transit, walkable neighborhoods and active transportation.
Read moreGovernment defends a ride-hailing approach riddled with barriers
VICTORIA, B.C. — Adam Olsen continued to question government today on why it is putting barriers in front of ride-hailing coming to BC when there are ready-made solutions in front of them.
Read moreMLA Olsen responds to allegations of conflict of interest on ride hailing committee
VICTORIA, B.C. — Adam Olsen, B.C. Green Party spokesperson for transportation, issues the following statement on ridehailing:
Read moreB.C. Greens pass major amendment to government’s ride-hailing legislation
VICTORIA, B.C. – Adam Olsen, B.C. Green Party spokesperson for transportation, is celebrating the passage of his amendment to the government’s legislation to enable ride-hailing in B.C.
“This amendment greatly improves the PTB’s test for approving ride-hailing license, adding much need flexibility,” said Olsen.
Weaver: Legislation a step forward, but parties will have to work together to make ride-hailing a reality
VICTORIA, B.C. – Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, says the provincial government’s legislation to introduce ride-hailing today is a long overdue step forward on the issue. Weaver says the all-party committee that will advise on regulations is a promising development because parties will have to collaborate to make ride-hailing a reality.
Read moreB.C. Green caucus responds to government’s taxi and ride-hailing announcement
VICTORIA, B.C. – Adam Olsen, B.C. Green Party spokesperson for transportation, responded to the government’s announced changes to update the taxi industry and bring in a ride-hailing regime.
“While we are disappointed British Columbians will still not have ride-hailing this winter, we are glad that the government has committed to a path forward,” said Olsen.
Read moreWeaver welcomes all-Party Committee report on ride-hailing
VICTORIA, B.C. – Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, welcomed the release of the all-Party Committee report on ride-hailing. The committee was struck after Weaver introduced a Private Member’s Bill to enable ride-hailing in B.C. for the third time last Fall.
“This report represents exactly how our legislature should work: Members from all parties examining the evidence, engaging with the public and stakeholders and collaborating constructively towards a consensus,” said Weaver.
Read moreWeaver: Ride-hailing committee finally gives British Columbians the debate they deserve
VICTORIA, B.C. - Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, released the following statement upon the conclusion of the all-party committee consultations on ride-hailing. The committee, the first in B.C. history to be struck as the result of a Private Member’s Bill, concluded three days of public consultations in Vancouver today.
“I am delighted that British Columbians have finally heard a open discussion on this issue from all three parties,” said Weaver.
Read moreBC Liberals vote against moving ride-hailing forward
VICTORIA, B.C. - The B.C. Liberal caucus today voted against moving ride-hailing forward in British Columbia. Last week, B.C. Green Party leader Andrew Weaver announced that he had reached an agreement with the B.C. NDP to move the subject of ride-hailing, raised earlier in October in a Private Member’s Bill introduced by Weaver, to an all-party committee of the Legislature. The Committee is slated to deliver a report on ride-hailing to inform eventual legislation no later than February 15, 2018.
“I must admit I am disappointed that the BC Liberals have chosen to oppose moving ridesharing forward,” said Andrew Weaver. “Since electing a minority government British Columbians have been clear that they want their politicians to work together like grownups. This could have been an opportunity for all parties to stand together and show people we are capable of that.”
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