BC NDP go all-in on disastrous megadam
VICTORIA, B.C. – Today, the Premier announced government will continue the Site C dam despite an increased cost estimate of $16 billion. The decision to not cancel the project in 2017 and steps taken since then have resulted in disastrous cost escalations and unprecedented secrecy.
Read morePremier admits Milburn report won't address dam safety questions; public still left in the dark
VICTORIA, B.C. – Today, the Premier admitted to the need for two additional and previously undisclosed reports on Site C, making it clear that the Milburn report was nothing more than political cover for this government to continue barrelling ahead with construction on the mega-dam while avoiding answering to the public.
Read moreGovernment should follow expert advice on Site C and halt construction: Furstenau
VICTORIA B.C. – Sonia Furstenau, leader of the B.C. Greens, says that the government should listen to the letter released by experts calling for the government to freeze construction on Site C while the geotechnical issues are reviewed.
Read moreProbing the “Dereliction of Duty” in Site C Approval
Today in the house I rose in question period to ask the government once more about the economics of the Site C dam project in light of recent revelations. Since elected I’ve continued to point out the economic folly of moving forward with Site C at this time. I’ve expressed concerns on the effect it will have on our credit rating; I’ve pointed out that there are cheaper alternatives like wind or geothermal which would allow supply to keep pace with demand. I’ve also called on the government to broaden BC Hydro’s scope to allow for production of geothermal power.
Read moreGenerate 2014: Clean Tech in British Columbia
I attended Clean Energy BC’s annual conference over the past three days. This year the conference was entitled: Generate 2014: More than Electrons. The conference opened with a presentation by Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett who strayed from his notes and wondered out loud whether or not cabinet will approve the Site C dam project. It was a bizarre address of circular arguments, random musings and priceless quotes.
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