Time to start implementing Mount Polley report recommendations
Late last week the independent panel struck to determine the cause of the Mount Polley tailings pond breach released their report. It included a number of recommendations as to how we could modernize our B.C. mining sector. Unfortunately, instead of a collaborative effort to implement the recommendations, MLAs and pundits are trying to score political points off it.
B.C. Greens welcome government announcement of an independent investigation of Mt. Polley and tailings ponds.
The B.C. Green Party welcomes the B.C. Government’s announcement of a three-person panel charged with undertaking an independent investigation of the Mount Polley mine tailings pond dam failure that occurred two weeks ago today. The panel will investigate all aspects of the dam’s failure and will report back to government with recommendations by January 31, 2015. The investigation will be paid for by Imperial Metals.
Read moreAll tailings ponds need immediate inspection: B.C. Green Party
For immediate release
Aug. 7, 2014
VICTORIA, B.C. – In light of the tragic industrial disaster at Mount Polley Mine south of Quesnel, the B.C. Green Party is calling on the provincial government to require every mine in the province to undertake an independent engineering report of their tailings storage facilities.
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