B.C. Green Caucus statement on the School Strike for Climate
VICTORIA, B.C. — Inspired by the school strikes of Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Greta Thunberg, hundreds of thousands of children and youth around the world are striking today for climate action.
Read moreB.C. Green Caucus responds to New Zealand tragedy
VICTORIA, B.C. — The B.C. Green Caucus responded to the tragic act of violence that occurred in New Zealand yesterday.
Read moreMLA Olsen welcomes new funding for wild salmon, says it should be used to protect, restore, coordinate
VICTORIA, B.C. — MLA Adam Olsen, the B.C. Green spokesperson for wild salmon, joined Premier John Horgan and federal Fisheries Minister Jonathan Wilkinson in welcoming major new funding for salmon projects.
Read moreBC Green Caucus: British Columbians should not be on the hook for a 624 percent increase in orphan oil and gas sites
VICTORIA, B.C. — The B.C. Green Caucus is alarmed by the Auditor General’s finding of a dramatic increase in orphaned wells at a time when government is also pushing a rapid expansion of the natural gas industry.
Read moreBritish Columbia is setting a path for innovative, low-carbon wood construction
VICTORIA, B.C. — The next edition of the BC Building Code will promote value-added forest industry while acting on climate change and creating new jobs across the province. In other words, this is CleanBC in action.
Read moreInternational Women’s Day: A time to celebrate accomplishments, come together for a better world
VICTORIA, B.C. - Sonia Furstenau, Deputy Leader of the B.C. Green Party, issued the following statement in recognition of International Women’s Day:
Read moreB.C. Green Caucus tables Residential Tenancy Amendment Act to expand protections, supporting survivors
VICTORIA, B.C. — The B.C. Green Caucus has introduced an amendment to the Residential Tenancy Act that, if passed, would provide tenants with the ability to end their fix term lease if staying in their rental unit is a threat to their safety or security.
Read moreB.C. Green Caucus: Government irresponsible, willful ignorance of fracking risks
VICTORIA, B.C. — In their 2017 election platform the NDP promised a scientific review of fracking happening in our province. Last week, a draft version of the 200-page technical report from the independent panel was leaked to the press. The report highlighted the fact that we have very little understanding on the health risks or the environmental impacts the industry is having.
Read moreInternational Year of the Salmon Reminds Us of the Need to Protect, Restore, Coordinate
VICTORIA, B.C. - B.C. Green spokesperson for wild salmon MLA Adam Olsen welcomes the launch of the International Year of the Salmon today.
Read moreB.C. Green Caucus: Surrey Christian School Teacher Firing Deeply Concerning
VICTORIA, B.C. - “The B.C. Green Caucus has always focused on ensuring public schools receive the funding and support they need so that they are the first choice for all British Columbians,” said MLA Andrew Weaver, B.C. Green Party leader.
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