Media resources for B.C. Green candidates
VICTORIA B.C. - The B.C. Green Party has published its media kit for local candidates on its website. These resources include candidate headshots and local campaign media contacts. They are available at:
The B.C. Green Party has announced 58 candidates to date, with more being announced nearly every day.
Read moreLouise Boutin nominated as B.C. Greens candidate in Vancouver-Fairview
VANCOUVER B.C. – The B.C. Green Party is pleased to announce the nomination of its candidate for Vancouver-Fairview, Louise Boutin. Boutin is a realtor in Vancouver and the Vice President and Chair of the Childcare Committee for the Kensington Community Centre Association.
Read moreKathleen Harris nominated as B.C. Greens candidate in Nanaimo
NANAIMO B.C. – The B.C. Green Party is pleased to announce the nomination of its candidate for Nanaimo, Kathleen Harris. Harris is a Registered Nurse and an instructor at the University of Victoria, where she teaches about health and wellness promotions, the cost effectiveness of preventative health and sustainable community development.
Read moreDana Taylor nominated as B.C. Greens candidate in West Vancouver-Sea to Sky
WEST VANCOUVER B.C. – The B.C. Green Party is pleased to announce the nomination of its candidate for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky, Dana Taylor. Taylor is a former two-term city councillor in North Vancouver and is currently Executive Vice President of the Mechanical Contractors Association of B.C.
Read moreB.C. Green Party Statement on B.C. NDP technology platform announcement
VICTORIA B.C. - Matt Toner, B.C. Green Party Deputy Leader, today released the following statement on the B.C. NDP’s technology platform announcement:
“We welcome the B.C. NDP’s announcement of investment in education in order to support the technology sector: It’s a necessary step, but it’s not sufficient. The Vancouver tech industry a notoriously ‘leaky bucket,’ ceding much of our talent to other cities. If we are going to train the next generation, we must ensure there are jobs waiting for our graduates.
Read moreAndrew Weaver responds to Premier’s support of his gender-specific footwear bill
VICTORIA B.C. - Last week on International Women’s Day Andrew Weaver tabled a bill that would ensure employers do not set varying footwear requirements for their employees based on gender, gender expression or gender identity.
Today, Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, welcomed the news that the government will support his bill to end the practice of gender-specific footwear requirements by B.C. employers.
Read moreJason Hanley nominated as B.C. Greens candidate in Port Coquitlam
PORT COQUITLAM B.C. – The B.C. Green Party is pleased to announce the nomination of its candidate for Port Coquitlam, Jason Hanley. Hanley completed his first commercial software project at the age of 15 and currently works with an ed-tech non-profit organization that focuses on delivering education to children in need using low-cost devices and crowdsourcing.
Read moreWeaver welcomes RCMP investigation into allegations of illegal donations
VICTORIA B.C. - Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, welcomed the news that the RCMP will investigate allegations of illegal donations, originally published in the Globe and Mail last weekend. On Monday, Weaver sent a letter to the RCMP requesting they determine whether there are grounds for a criminal investigation.
Read moreRainer Wilkins nominated as B.C. Greens candidate in Kelowna-Mission
KELOWNA B.C. – The B.C. Green Party is pleased to announce the nomination of its candidate for Kelowna-Mission, Rainer Wilkins. Wilkins is a Certified Sommelier, seasoned wine sales professional, and has been the Vice-President of the Kelowna Arts Council for the past 5 years.
Read moreRoy Sakata nominated as B.C. Greens candidate in Richmond-Steveston
RICHMOND B.C. – The B.C. Green Party is pleased to announce the nomination of its candidate for Richmond-Steveston, Roy Sakata. Sakata’s experience in education has included roles as a teacher, vice principal, school principal in Prince Rupert and Richmond, and as Principal and Member of the Economic Development Committee of the Gitksan Community of Gitsegukla.
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