With 90 days to election, UK Green Party grows exponentially
Something is happening in the UK.
With 90 days to go before general elections in the United Kingdom, the Green Party of England and Wales' membership numbers have been growing at an unprecedented, exponential pace.
Green Party membership which was at 13,809 at the end of 2013 jumped to 30,809 by the end of 2014, and is now over 50,000 - now believed to have overtaken the Liberal Democrats and the UK Independence Party (UKIP) as the third largest national party by membership in the UK.
Greens make gains in Canada and worldwide
In recent elections here in Canada and around the world, Green parties have either held their ground or made significant gains.
In Sweden, Greens retained all of seats and have formed a coalition govern with the Social Democrats. Sweden now has its very first Green cabinet ministers, with Greens heading up the ministries of the Environment and Education, as well as controlling Sweden's overseas aid agency Sida and the consumer affairs ministry. Read more here.
Read moreCalling David Coon, elected tonight as Canada's 2nd Green MLA
While not specifically anything to do with the UBCM convention, this occupied a lot of our attention tonight. New Brunswick headed to the polls today to elect a new government, and our colleague David Coon, the leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick was elected in his riding of Fredericton South! David is the second Green MLA elected in Canada (the other being Andrew Weaver) and the first Green politician elected east of BC.
This is a photo of Adam making the very first call from one leader of an elected provincial Green Party to congratulate the leader of another elected provincial Green Party. Congratulations David!
Greens make gains in Europe
Green parties across the pond have made big gains in recent EU Parliamentary and local government elections in the UK. Here's a summary of what happened:
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