Andrew Weaver releases B.C. Green Party agricultural platform
NELSON B.C. - Andrew Weaver, Leader of the B.C. Green Party, released the BC Green Party’s platform on agriculture today in Nelson, B.C. Weaver made the announcement alongside B.C. Greens Nelson-Creston candidate Kim Charlesworth following a meeting with the Nelson Chamber of Commerce.
Read moreWeaver introduces bill to protect agricultural land from speculation
VICTORIA B.C. – To address the rampant speculation of agricultural land in B.C., a trend that sees valuable farmland left unseeded or turned into sprawling mansions, today Andrew Weaver, Leader of the B.C. Green Party, tabled the Property Law Amendment Act.
“Since the introduction of the 15% foreign buyers tax on residential real estate in Metro Vancouver, speculators have targeted other areas of the Province and our agricultural land,” said Andrew Weaver, also the MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head.
Read moreDeregulating the environment is bad for the economy
“If we want to do what the big polluters and their indentured servants in Ottawa or Washington DC want us to do, which is treat the planet as if it was a business in liquidation, convert our natural resources to cash as quickly as possible, have a few years of pollution based prosperity and make a few people billionaires by impoverishing the rest of us, we generate an instantaneous cash flow and the illusion of a prosperous economy but our children are going to pay for our joy ride and they are going to pay for it with denuded landscapes and poor health and huge clean up costs that are going to amplify over time and they will never be able to pay.”
- Robert Kennedy Jr, GLOBE 2014 Conference, March 26, 2014
Read moreTime to rethink deregulation of the ALC
Hon. Bill Bennett continued his public assault on the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Friday. This time he targeted his own colleague Hon. Norm Letnick, the Minister of Agriculture, and reaffirmed his personal commitment to Bill 24, the ALC (Agricultural Land Commission) Amendment Act.
Read moreResponse to Les Leyne – Changes to ALR, parks long overdue
I am assuming Les Leyne’s latest article Changes to ALR, parks long overdue (Times Colonist April 16, 2014) was attempting to add balance to what has been a very one-sided discussion. Until now the experts have agreed that the governments changes potentially to more harm than good.
Read moreBC Green Party writes an open letter to Premier Christy Clark on the Agricultural Land Commission
Victoria, BC - BC Green Party Interim-Leader, Adam Olsen sent an open letter to Premier Christy Clark today requesting the British Columbia government remove the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) from the current core review and reaffirm
its support the modernization of the Commission that has been on-going for the past three years.