Roles & Responsibilities 2025

Each elected member has a role to play. For Provincial Council roles, please anticipate approximately three to five hours each week for meetings and activities.

As the Chair, you will:
  1. Act as chair and convene meetings of Provincial Council;
  2. Ensure that officers of the Party carry out the duties which they are mandated to carry out under the rules and bylaws of the Party; and
  3. Maintain, update and regularly circulate a timeline of Party activities including, but not limited to, newsletter publication dates, fundraising letter mailing dates, Provincial Council meeting dates and general meeting dates.
  4. Liaise with the Party Leader, Provincial Council committees and Regional Associations to ensure the effective functioning and communication between each level of the Party;
  5. Attend provincial government’s Elections Advisory Committee meetings, or if unable to attend,
    to appoint a Provincial Council member to attend instead; and
  6. Oversee the Executive Director and Party management.
As the Treasurer, you will:
  1. Keep financial records as required by the Societies Act and Elections Act;
  2. Provide up-to-date financial statements at Provincial Council meetings;
  3. Ensure that financial statements are audited and filed in a timely manner with Elections BC and the Society Branch as required by law, and immediately inform Provincial Council if any problems arise with compliance,
  4. Protect the confidentiality of donors except where such information must be disclosed under the Elections Act;
  5. Ensure that official tax receipts are quickly and duly processed; and
  6. Work with the Chair and the Leader to develop and implement the Party budget.
As the Secretary, you will:
  1. Ensure the custody of minutes of all meetings of the Party, Provincial Council and Provincial Council Committees and ensure their availability or distribution to all Riding Associations, Regional Committees and Provincial Council Committees;
  2. Ensure the custody of all records and documents of the Party except those required to be kept by the Provincial Treasurer or Financial Agent;
  3. Ensure that the legal requirements for the registration of the Party and its agents are maintained with the appropriate government departments that regulate the Party, its Riding Associations and its agents;
  4. Maintain a list of Provincial Council Committees and their members, Regional Committees and their members and other bodies and caucuses mandated by Provincial Council or Party members in general meeting; and
  5. Issue notices of meetings convened by the Chair.
  6. Conduct the correspondence of the society;
  7. Issue notices of meetings of the society and directors;
  8. Keep minutes of all meetings of the society and directors;
  9. Have custody of the common seal of the society;
  10. Maintain the register of members.
As a Councillor-at-large or as a Regional Representative, you will:
  1. Participate in standing committees of Provincial Council;
  2. Undertake tasks necessary for the Party as they arise.


For Ombuds roles, please anticipate approximately one to two hours each month.

Ombuds representing gender diversity will:
  1. Follow the procedures as stipulated in the Code of Ethics and by the Provincial Council in dealing with complaints against Party members and report on these cases to Provincial Council;
  2. Perform exit interviews with Provincial Council members at the end of their service.

For more information about any of the open positions, please contact [email protected].

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