Resources for staying safe - BC wildfires (Cont'd)

As wildfires continue to rage across BC, we wanted to follow up on our last email with additional support and information.

If you missed our previous blog post, you can read it on our blog

We have compiled a list of resources and services for anyone looking for support such as accommodation, food, or clothing in an emergency situation.

Wildfire smoke

To protect your health from the impacts of wildfire smoke, it is important to reduce exposure to the smoke:

  • Prevent wildfire smoke from entering indoor spaces by sealing doors and windows and keeping them closed.
  • Utilize portable HEPA air filters or a DIY air purifier (Corsi-Rosenthal box) using resources available online.
  • Limit your time outside, especially if you suffer from underlying medical conditions, namely lung or heart ailments.
  • Refrain from over-exertion outdoors, which may result in heavy breathing and inhaling unnecessary smoke.
  • Consider wearing a well-fitting respirator (N95, KN95, or KF94) when you go outdoors or are in a crowded indoor setting.
  • Utilize the smoky skies bulletins and air quality health index (AQHI) and keep up to date on the forecast, and to evaluate local and regional air-quality conditions.

How you can help

Many of you have asked how you can help fellow British Columbians affected by the wildfires. Please check with local authorities and services before offering donations and support. Different communities will have different needs based on their circumstances and resources available.

Here are some larger organizations that may need your support:

  • Canadian Red Cross - BC and Yukon | Provides services such as emergency food and clothing, emergency lodging, reception and information, personal services and family reunification services.
  • United Way BC | Provide funding for housing, food assistance, trauma and mental health support, and more.
  • BC Search and Rescue Association | Volunteer group search and rescue services
  • BC SPCA | Provides emergency boarding and food for pets, reunification services, pet rescue, and more.


Please remember to prioritize your personal health and safety during this wildfire season. 


Our thoughts remain with those affected by this crisis. 

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