
To submit a bylaw change proposal or a special resolution to be voted on by members at the AGM, please contact [email protected].


The deadline for submissions is 11:59pm on April 1, 2015.


Bylaw change proposals must be consistent with the Constitution of the Green Party of BC, with the requirements of the Society Act, and with other bylaws. All bylaw proposals will be reviewed by the Governance Committee to ensure the appropriateness of the proposed changes from these three perspectives, and to suggest any changes that may be necessary or desirable.

Special Resolutions pertaining to matters of party policy will be reviewed by the Policy Committee to ensure consistency of the proposed policy with party principles, including the 6 Core Green Principles, and with other, existing policies.

Policy resolutions must be accompanied by a policy brief with a clear statement of the problem to be addressed, attainable goals for resolution and information on people consulted in developing the policy. Please use this document as your guide when writing your policy brief.

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