Requirements 2025

Provincial Council eligibility and general requirements
  • You are a member in good standing of the BC Green Party, which means your dues are current, you are a resident of British Columbia and either a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • You are a member of only one provincial political party, the BC Green Party.
  • You are considered eligible to run as per the 2022 Approved Bylaws, Section 6.4
  • If you are an applicant for a Regional Representative position your primary address is within the region for which you are applying to serve.
  • As a Provincial Council member, you are willing to dedicate at least 3-5 hours per week of personal time and effort to council work, including:
    • Attending meetings by teleconference;
    • The time between meetings preparing materials and reading reports;
    • Time spent serving on Council sub-committees; and
    • Attendance at four in-person meetings per year (including the AGM).
  • The ability to effectively communicate and collaborate in a team environment in which much of the work takes place virtually.
  • Ideally, you have previous governance experience.
  • Through previous volunteer or work experience, you have demonstrated excellent leadership skills.
  • A strong belief in the purpose and six core principles of the BC Green Party and a commitment to applying them to the party's management.
  • A familiarity with and support for BC Green Party policy, 2024 platform and governance documents (Constitution and bylawsCode of representative conduct and Code of ethics).
  • Access to the Internet and familiarity with online collaboration tools, web-meeting platforms, word processors, spreadsheets, presentation programs, the ability to view such documents, and the ability to read and understand financial statements.
  • A very high standard of personal ethics.
Values and principles
  • Always act in good faith and in a manner which they believe is in the best interest of the party and membership as a whole, contribute to discussions as part of decision-making, and respect Provincial Council decisions on all issues.
  • Respect the confidentiality of in-camera discussions and privileged information.
  • Make certain the party has clear long, medium, and short-term plans that can be developed and measured realistically.
  • Work to support and ensure the success of the Party’s Strategic Plan.
  • To openly recognize and declare actual or potential conflicts of interest and to recuse themselves from those discussions.
Other skills and qualities
  • Basic understanding of financial reports.
  • Understanding of legal requirements and implications relevant to political parties, governing boards, and corporations.
  • Governance experience – that is, a previous role in a non-profit, corporation, or political party's board of directors.
  • Well-connected in your community.
  • An ability to collaborate and build an environment of trust, understanding and openness.
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