On November 11, Canadians stop to remember, honor, and reflect.
We remember all those who gave their lives willingly to defend the many freedoms that our nation enjoys. We also remember with sorrow the fallen of other nations, even those who fought against us. War has taken so much from so many – as individuals, families, communities, and all mankind.
Today we honor the courage and sacrifice of all men and women who served us, from World War I to the war in Afghanistan. We revere those who never returned, and salute those who came back to their ordinary lives among us, many of them struggling valiantly with wounds for life, some of them succumbing sadly to the horrors of battle still inside them.
Today we pay our utmost respect and gratitude by wearing the red poppy in remembrance, the poppy that bloomed across Flanders bloody fields in World War I. The color of this poppy calls us to reflect on the price of all wars. On the front and at home, the price is beyond reckoning.
Let us remember, and work towards a world in peace and respect for one another.