We must do more to address poverty issues, Green Party says
Media Advisory
April 24, 2013
Green Party of BC
Victoria - Neither the New Democratic Party nor the Liberals have offered plans that truly address poverty in British Columbia, Green Party of BC Leader Jane Sterk said today. "The NDP have promised to tinker with the current system, offering a disappointing, incremental intervention that will hardly raise the hopes of those most in need," she said. "The Liberals have established a record of neglect during their years in office."
The Green Party of BC will present its plans to reduce poverty at a media conference Thursday, April 25, 11 a.m. at the Green Party of BC provincial campaign office, 1075 Pandora Avenue in Victoria.
"We have the means as a society to address poverty issues," Sterk said. "What we're lacking is vision." She added that reducing poverty and its impacts on virtually every aspect of society, is not just a matter of social justice and raising living standards for the poor, "It's a matter of improving the quality of life for everyone."
"The burden of poverty on our social and health care systems, its drag on our economy, its impact on crime and the justice system are incalculable. The Green Party of BC believes we don't have to continue living with that burden."
Media Contact:
Craig Spence
Green Party of BC Media Relations
250-208-3825 | [email protected]