Consistent with our values, BC Green Party policy is driven by the members. The BC Green Party defines “policy“ as the expression of its values and principles, held collectively by BC Greens, applied to specific subject areas. It is central to informing our Party’s platform & our responses to particular issues through initiatives and public positions. Party policy and the Party platform have distinct roles: a platform is developed during an election as a statement of the values, positions and specific actions that the Party intends to take when elected.
This process is not seeking platform proposals.
Under normal circumstances, the Party policy submission and review process would take place throughout the year. However, due to our current circumstances, the process is being compressed and an interim policy committee has been appointed. The 2021 Interim Policy Committee will review all members’ policy submissions for consideration at this year’s AGM. This is a collaborative process that includes consultation with members. The committee comprises the following volunteers: George Hill, Deepshika Kelkar, Frances Kelly, Bill Masse, Millie Nickason (chair), Hannah Rosenthal, and Michelle Sheardown. Additional subject matter experts will be consulted as needed.
Members were asked that prior to submitting a motion they reviewed the BC Green Policy to determine what, if any, policy exists in their area of interest, and to frame their proposal to ensure it is aligned with our core principles, is supported by good evidence, and is consistent with existing Party policy.
For our 2020 AGM, Party policy motion submissions were limited to new policies or amendments to existing policies in the BC Green Policy document. 2020 AGM submissions are now being reviewed by the new Interim Policy Committee for consideration at the 2021 AGM. Members who submitted proposals for 2020 need not resubmit their proposals if they have not materially changed.
The interim committee will follow the policy development process and work within the Terms of Reference approved by the Provincial Council. Please refer to these documents for details on goals and criteria for this year’s process.
The Interim Policy Committee will connect with the individuals who submit a policy motion to discuss the next steps.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].