Dear voters,
This election, you will have a choice between parties that are beholden to special interests such as corporations and organized labour, and the BC Green Party, which wants you at the centre of all our work.
Part of that work is the creation of our 2017 election platform. I would like to invite you to be involved in its development. The final product will be a vision of British Columbia that is informed by your lived experience.
Through the fall, the BC Green Party will host a number of open houses and webinars where we hope to gather your feedback. We have also developed an online forum for sharing your stories and ideas. Finally, we hope you will also reach out to our candidates with your suggestions as well.
On behalf of the BC Green Party, I would like to thank you for whatever contribution you make to this platform of the people. It will be an honour to work with you.
Liz Lilly
Platform Director