Water - Should we be selling it cheap for export? How do we keep it clean?

The selling of BC clean waters has become a big issue, raised by the Nestle story. In Blewett, aquifer water is being bottled without limit or understanding of long-term implications. LNG is being approved in BC which risks polluting our clean waters. Legislation erroneously does not consider access to clean water a human and environmental right. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this issue.


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  • Kim Charlesworth
    commented 2016-10-04 13:31:07 -0700
    Water is a basic right for all life. What is needed is a new way of looking at water nationally that prioritizes the needs of living systems, then works out the economic and social justice priorities. In the words of Robert Sandford a key Canadian water researcher: a new “Water Ethic”. We could start that process provincially, showing leadership by at least starting the discussions. Our water resources are not limitless and the pressures will only become greater. The very first step would be to find ways to regulate industry and waste disposal to ensure it is kept clean.
  • Ramona Faust
    commented 2016-10-03 23:35:58 -0700
    Water is a basic human right. The increasingly disturbing commodification of water ought to be a concern for our nation but particularly our province with its abundance of water sources. Climate change requires new monitoring and measuring. Eco-system needs for wa6ter and human consumption need to be considered the highest and best use of water. The thought that we can sell it, contaminate it by hydraulic fracking, and put it at risk with volumes of oil traversing through it indicates we don’t have a grasp of its importance to our survival. We need a national, provincial and regional water policy and decision making framework.
  • Amy Garvey
    commented 2016-10-03 20:33:04 -0700
    Yes, this is a concern of mine too. Water is a basic human right. I’d like to understand your perspective on how best to approach.
  • Nicole Charlwood
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-10-03 11:30:28 -0700
    Nelson-Creston nomination forum: Water - Should we be selling it cheap for export? How do we keep it clean?
  • Nicole Charlwood
    @ tweeted link to this page. 2016-10-03 11:30:22 -0700
    Nelson-Creston nomination forum: Water - Should we be selling it cheap for export? How do we keep it clean? http://www.bcgreens.ca/nicolecharlwood/water_should_we_be_selling_it_cheap_for_export_how_do_we_keep_it_clean?recruiter_id=729915
  • Nicole Charlwood
    published this page in Nelson-Creston nomination forum 2016-10-03 11:30:02 -0700
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