The B.C. Green Party celebrates today with Canada’s aboriginal people.
Aboriginal communities in British Columbia have been thrust into the national spotlight by pipeline proposals, and LNG (liquefied natural gas) and other resource extraction industries. The B.C. Green Party supports Aboriginal efforts to assert and defend their rights that are enshrined in the Constitution.
The B.C. Green Party honours existing treaty rights and we encourage the provincial government to work in good faith with the federal government to settle the outstanding claims of Aboriginal people and enact historic treaties.
It represents a significant step backward for the provincial government to shift away from comprehensive agreements with aboriginal people in British Columbia and focus on more short-term revenue sharing agreements for resource development.
The B.C. Green Party is proud to recognize Aboriginal rights and title and we are committed to building meaningful relationships with British Columbia’s aboriginal people as equal partners. The B.C. Green Party encourages everyone to take a moment today to pause and reflect on Canada’s awful history with aboriginal people and embrace modern reconciliation.