BC Green MLAs Sonia Furstenau and Adam Olsen have repeatedly questioned the BC NDP government on its inaction to protect our province's old-growth forests. Here are a collection of their recent exchanges in Question Period:
MLA Furstenau on June 10, 2021
MLA Olsen on June 7, 2021
MLA Olsen on May 31, 2021
MLA Furstenau on March 25, 2021
MLA Olsen on July 22, 2020
MLA Furstenau on July 21, 2020
MLA Olsen on July 20, 2020
The BC Green Party has been calling for a moratorium on old-growth logging in BC since 2019. The BC NDP have done nothing but talk and log while they've been in power. We won't stand by while this government allows the logging of BC's last remaining old-growth forests.