Interim Leader Adam Olsen to meet North Shore Municipal and Community Leaders
Media Statement January 30, 2014
Interim Leader Adam Olsen to meet North Shore Municipal and Community Leaders
North Vancouver, BC – On February 4, 2014 Green Party of BC Interim Leader Adam Olsen will be visiting three municipal offices on the North Shore and joining a community reception.
Statement by Interim Leader Adam Olsen to mark Chinese New Year
Adam Olsen
Interim Leader, BC Green Party
On behalf of the BC Green Party, I would like to extend our warmest wishes to those celebrating Chinese New Year here in British Columbia and around the world.
Sir John A Macdonald Day
January 11th is Sir John A. Macdonald day. 199 years ago, in 1815, Sir John was born in Glasgow, Scotland. As one of the founders of our nation, and Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald played an integral role in the bringing together East and West parts of Canada to form the Great Coalition leading to the birth of our nation on July 1, 1867.
BC Greens call for sixth condition for heavy oil pipelines
Media Statement December 19, 2013
For immediate release
BC Greens call for sixth condition for heavy oil pipelines
Victoria BC – In response the NEB Joint Review Panel’s final decision to approve Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline, BC Green Party MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon Head, Andrew Weaver, and BC Green Party Leader Adam Olsen are calling on the BC Government to establish a 6th condition for support of heavy oil pipeline projects: A moratorium on dilbit transport along the B.C. coast.
Northern Gateway, Joint Review Panel – Conditional ‘Yes’
Media Statement December 19, 2013
For immediate release
Northern Gateway, Joint Review Panel – Conditional ‘Yes’
Victoria BC - Today the National Energy Board’s Joint Review Panel released its report to the Federal Cabinet on Enbridge’s proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline. The panel’s conditional ‘yes’ is deeply concerning, considering the opposition by the BC Government, First Nations, environmental groups and the majority of the people of the province.