Weaver says campaigns are exactly the time to talk about platform commitments
VANCOUVER B.C. -- Today Andrew Weaver, Leader of the B.C. Green Party, responded to John Horgan’s comments in yesterday’s Vancouver Sun Editorial Board Meeting, that campaigns are not a time to discuss the details of platform commitments.
Andrew Weaver campaigns in traditional B.C. Liberal and B.C. NDP strongholds
VANCOUVER B.C. – With growing momentum in the polls and a strong performance in the televised leaders’ debate, B.C. Green party leader Andrew Weaver has launched an ambitious final week of the election as he takes the campaign into the heart of traditional B.C. Liberal and B.C. NDP strongholds.
B.C. Green Party statement on Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs Announcement by Grand Chief Stewart Phillip
VICTORIA B.C. -- Today Andrew Weaver, Leader of the B.C. Green Party, and Adam Olsen, candidate for Saanich North and the Islands, responded to the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs press conference held earlier today.
Andrew Weaver statement on International Workers’ Day
KELOWNA B.C. – Andrew Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green Party, issued the following statement in recognition of International Workers’ Day. Weaver is in Kelowna and then Vernon today, campaigning with Alison Shaw, candidate for Kelowna-Lake Country and Keli Westgate, candidate for Vernon-Monashee.
Over 500 supporters attend Kim Charlesworth rally with David Suzuki
NELSON B.C. – Over 500 people turned out to hear Kim Charlesworth, B.C. Green Party candidate for Nelson-Creston, and Canadian icon David Suzuki yesterday at a rally in Nelson.