We are less than 60 days from the provincial election; that day will prove to be a pivotal moment in our party’s thirty-year history as we send our first Green MLAs to the legislature. A major component of our party’s campaign will focus on four ridings on southern Vancouver Island where we have the strongest opportunities to elect Green MLAs.
There are two essential components to a successful campaign: volunteers and funding. We would like to support our key campaigns by sending volunteers on day trips from the Vancouver area over to Victoria to help with canvassing, participating in outreach events and other activities. It will cost us $2,500 to send 56 volunteers by bus and ferry.
Thanks for all your support!
To volunteer for our Green Bus leaving Richmond on April 20 click here.
Cannot make it on April 20? Sign to volunteer for additional Green Bus trips.
Additional Green Bus trips depend on us being able to raise $2,500 for each trip. If you can help support this campaign click here.
**Note for Green Bus Volunteers: As we are forming a new professional and welcoming image for the Green Party, please be aware of some guidelines regarding dress and attire. Green is of course welcome, but as we will be going door to door representing the Green Party, think office wear: Dress pants or dark jeans, with a polo, dress shirt, blouse, cardigan, etc. Please be conscious of visible logo's, and of course, if it is cold, wear an appropriate jacket!