Furstenau: BC United’s reckless tax cuts put BC services and economy at risk

August 13, 2024

Lək̓ʷəŋən [LEKWUNGEN] TERRITORY / VICTORIA, B.C. -  BC Greens Leader Sonia Furstenau has released the following statement on BC United’s income tax elimination plan. 

“BC United's plan will not help our province thrive, it will only gut our budget when our healthcare system is already in crisis. The business community knows that without a healthy workforce and reliable government services, the economy can't succeed.


“An 8% revenue cut is reckless and shows a lack of economic understanding, especially with a potential recession looming. Their $5.4 billion proposal, combined with a promise to balance the budget, would result in $12.4 billion in cuts when we need services the most.  

“It was the BC Liberal cuts in the early 2000s that eroded B.C.’s social safety net. Now we’re seeing the same party with a new name propose that more services be slashed. 

“BC United lacks the financial sense to address our province’s challenges, while the BC NDP irresponsibly spends taxpayer money subsidizing big industries while failing to deliver basic services. It’s time for a government that spends wisely, making sure every dollar benefits the people of B.C.

“The BC Greens will put forward a tax plan that makes sure the wealthiest pay their fair share, and everyone can count on the services they deserve.”


Media contact: 

JoJo Beattie
Press Secretary, BC Green Party
+1 250-882-6187 | 
[email protected] 

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