Free Bike Bells Giveaway / Tilbury LNG Action - Delta

We will again be giving out bicycle bells at the entrance to the Boundary Bay shared-use trail - along with walking and cycling maps, and information and action on key issues in our region.

(The following Saturday, Sept. 24, we will be giving out bells and info at the North end of Ferry Road in Ladner at the entrance to the Millennium Trail.)

Our objectives are to: 1) protect pedestrians on shared trails; 2) have fun watching kids choose and use a bicycle bell; 3) provide an outdoor space to talk about community or provincial issues and offer the BC Greens perspective; and 4) offer visitors print information on the seriously flawed and likely unlawful assessment process for the proposed highly explosive Tilbury expansion and LNG tankers sailing virtually every day along the Fraser River from Tilbury Island downriver to the Salish Sea.


RSVP here

Sat. Sep 17, 2022
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
12 Ave & Boundary Bay Road, Tsawwassen

Protecting your health

BC Greens recognize that airborne illnesses and pollutants pose a significant health risk to everyone, especially the young, elderly, and immunocompromised, while caregivers, healthcare professionals, and support staff come into regular contact with vulnerable persons. When choosing venues, BC Greens prioritize outdoor spaces, and indoor spaces with good ventilation. In closed indoor spaces, we encourage attendees to wear well-fitting masks (N95, KN95, or KF94), especially during the respiratory-illness season.

Creating safe spaces

The BC Green Party is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully and have equal speaking opportunities. To support this commitment, all event attendees will be expected to follow the standards of our Safe Spaces Participant's Guide.

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